Sunday, September 11, 2016

#4 Big Apple

Had a Lady Costume Designer one year that came up with this smock!


Chic Silber said...

The epaulets & trim

give you a look like

a high class doorman

(not a bad outfit)

GaryHill said...

Taxi please Sir?

Roger Smith said...

The guy bringing up the rear has Wallace Beery's old job.

GaryHill said...

That was me a lot in Venice..

Roger Smith said...

I was waiting for someone to ask who Wallace Beery was, but our readers wised up long ago.

Chic Silber said...

1 of my early film memories

was that of Long John Silver

but in 1902 Wallace Beery was

16 when he joined out with the

Ringling Brothers Circus as an

assistant in the elephant dept

Buckles said...

You don't start out as an Assistant!
As Rex Williams would say, You shovel ____ and holler "Steady!"

Chic Silber said...

Sorry Buckles but I just

copied & pasted that from

his bio I found online

GaryHill said...

Still have a shovel or pitchfork in my hands everyday, some things never change..