Wednesday, September 07, 2016

#2 RB Gold


Chic Silber said...

This was our Monte Carlo

touring show opening in

Providence February 79

that I designed & built

every inch of including

new lighting instruments

All of the gold trim &

scrollwork was formed

of clear polycarbonate

back sprayed with gold

micro glitter & wired

for many patterns of

chase lights

Chic Silber said...

I still have all my

original drawings &

several samples of

the components that

I may offer something

from that collection

to Don Covington for

the CHS auction

Chic Silber said...

I received a wonderful

commendation letter

from Arthur Spear who

was the Chairman & CEO

of Mattel at the time

since they had paid

for the whole shebang

Chic Silber said...

Some of the marketing

types called it the

"Gold Show" & some of

the equipment & wagons

were painted kind of a

drab mustard gold color

Bob Karczewski said...

Chic, your design, and construction really stands out! I never saw the "Gold Show" when the show was touring, but I wish that I had seen the show.

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Bob but most of us

didn't call it the Gold Show

It was primarily known as

the Monte Carlo Show

Chic Silber said...

I consider my 2 best

achievements for RBBB

were the complete

interior overhauling

of the Venice WQ arena

including repainting

the whole shebang blue

new lighting & sound

& the Proscenium wall

including a multilevel

carpeted bandstand

The other project was

the entire Monte Carlo

touring production

Neither remain today

Bob Karczewski said...

Chic, I am sure you took a lot of pictures of both projects and the end result. What would we do if people had not taken photos of circuses over the years? I enjoy seeing all of the old pictures that were taken of circuses that were way before my birth in 1947. Thank You, Buckles for posting all of the great photos on your blog!