Monday, September 19, 2016

#15 Sells-Floto

This picture has always been an enigma to me, it's labeled "Fairgrounds Lincoln, Nebraska".
"Did the Show have a blow-down and play outdoors?" Maybe someone who specializes in Route Cards would know.
I hardly think the Fair Board hired the Show....


John Polacsek said...

The Sells Floto Circus played Lincoln Nebraska from September 7 to 10, 1920 according to the route. I checked the 1920 route cards and they are scarce but nothing in my files to confirm why they played the extended date. John Polacsek

John Polacsek said...

The Sells Floto Circus played the State Fair at Lincoln Nebraska from Sept. 7 -10, 1920. The new grandstand at the fairgrounds was opened Sept, 6, 1920. Lookls like they had a fine attraction in the front of it. John Polacsek