Tuesday, September 27, 2016

#10 RB 1950's


Chic Silber said...

Adolph Althoff brother

of Carola Williams

Mr.Lee said...

Think this might be Jacki Althoffs' father.. Jackis' real name was Adolph as well. He and Jeanette are first cousins..Don't remember Jacki talking much about his parents,I don't know for sure if Jackis father was ever in the states..Jeanette would know for sure. I'm just guessing...

Chic Silber said...

Yes Lee Adolph Sr was Jackie's father

Adolph Sr trained & brought this act

over then Evi became the presenter

Jackie may have also presented it

I mentioned that Adolph was Carola's

brother hence being Jeanette's uncle

Chic Silber said...

Franz was also the son of Adolph

There were at least 3 generations

of Adolphs in the Althoff tree

Chic Silber said...

This photo might be of Franz

but it was his father who 1st

brought this act to RBBB in

the "Old" Garden (#3)

Mr.Lee said...

Thanks Chic !