Tuesday, August 09, 2016


The Winter of 1949-50, my father trained eight young elephants for the  Al G. Kelly & Miller Bros. Circus, the last three came with the names "April", "May" and "June" which he immediately changed to "Hattie", (after the first elephant the Millers ever owned) "Anna May" and "Norma".
Three more were delivered in 1952 when the Miller-Woodcock elephant act was formed but one had a crippled leg and was rejected, the remaining two were named "Fanny" and "Lydia"
Since several contracts had already been signed for the season he borrowed "Anna May" and we never got around to returning her.
Having seen the Powers Elephants do a Musical Number with one kicking a tambourine with alternate feet while standing on a tub, he elaborated by having "Anna May" do the same thing while skipping around the ring.


Chic Silber said...

What a perfect image of

Anna May going into her

dance with a tambourine

& the "W" tub in view

It never don't get no

better than that