Thursday, August 04, 2016

#8 The Big Show


Dick Flint said...

Showgirl Dolly Copeland is the second lady in from the right. She was married to Tex Copeland, a long-time Concello assistant on RBBB.

Roger Smith said...

We remember DeMille giving us a pivotal scene in this top, with Wardrobe Mistress Birdie marshaling the finishing touches on her girls, while Holly, Angel, and Phyllis exchanged snappy patter. Phyllis made a crack questioning Angel's purity, and Angel snapped, "You haven't been gathering any moss, yourself!" Holly lamented her struggle to get Brad's attention, noting, "I come fourth, after Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey."

Roger Smith said...

Wait a minute. JACKIE LE CLAIRE: The girl in the formal gown and semi-halo neck piece, standing atop box #237--is that Connie Clausen, whom JRN chose for her long blonde hair to play his Cinderella?

Roger Smith said...

CORRECTION: Mr. Johnny wanted Connie Clausen as Alice, for his Alice in Wonderland
spec, for 1942. I had it wrong as her being offered Cinderella, which spec came along in '47, when Clausen was long gone.