Friday, August 05, 2016

#17 Beatty-Cole


Chic Silber said...

Might be Ned Potter at

Dave Hoover's cat truck

with "Pete" at the ready

Perhaps Cindy can help

Roger Smith said...

So can I. That's Ned guiding the wagon. I can't make out who is with Pete. This version of 78 wagon was re-built from the one Beatty used. In his day, permanent cages were stationed along this one-time auto carrier, and continued onto the 2nd cage wagon, 77. When Hoover came on, 77 was parked, and Charlie Harris converted 78 from the Beatty design to accommodate Hoover's shifting boxes. Before Pete was thus employed, the cage wagons were hand-cranked up the runs--among the most grueling tasks on the lot--but Ned told me he actually looked forward to it. These runs were another story. They were heavy, awkward, and extremely dangerous to let down.

Cindy Potter said...

Yes, that's Ned loading...
At first I thought that was little Bobby Cline, but I'm not so sure upon closer scrutiny!

Cindy Potter said...

That was also before "P.B." did the barrel roll...
The stringers on the side had to be adjusted near the back to load the barrel.