Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Test Picture

Shannon ran me thru the paces with this shot.


Jim Alexander said...

Came through loud and clear. Looks like you're ready to run in and do the cat act.

Unknown said...

We can see you now !

Harry Kingston said...

I am with you as all buckles needs is a pit helmet, a whip and a chair and he is in the cat act business.
Harry in Texas

Buckles said...

You're right I would make a good "CB" (Clawed Balls!)

Chic Silber said...

We continue to be grateful

to Shannon the "Jiffy Man"


SHANNON HAS DONE IT AGAIN. HE IS OUR MIRACLE MAN. I DON'T HOW LONG HE CAN KEEP PULLING US OUT OF A RUT. BUT WE DO APPRECIATE HIM, AND LOVE HIM. We are very lucky to have the family that we do. Dalilah pulled me out of a situation with Buckles medicine. I have a lot of mine to keep straight, so I worry about his. And Buckles has a time with wax in his ears. I always seem to be weighted down with Dr.'s appointments. And my daughter-in-law Melissa stepped in and had an appointment for him for the 28th. this month. Our regular doctor doesn't want to take the time to have their nurses do it as it is very time consuming. And my grandson always has the time to take us to our doctor appointments. And if he is working, ( he has two jobs.) Shannon, Melissa, or Dalilah takes us. We don't drive any long distances anymore. We are very thankful.......Barbara.......

Chic Silber said...

I've often heard that paybacks

can be hell but very clearly

some paybacks can also be heaven

Bless you & whole shebang

Wade G. Burck said...

"Pith helmet!!!!!!" Come on, Harry. No self respecting cat trainer would be caught dead in a pith helmet. Progressive trend setter's all favor a beret......

Wad Burck

Chic Silber said...

Those trend setters Wade

might have begun & ended

with Jules Jacot Wade

Even the Iberian from

Spain didn't wear 1 nor

did any of the French