Saturday, July 16, 2016

#8 Europe


Jim Alexander said...

Gerd Siemoneit

Unknown said...

Puzzling to me. This pic was up before and I posted it was Alexander Kerr. Both had white costumes and to me it looks like Alexander. Gerd wore short sleeves in pics I have seen and his hair was not so dark. I have looked at pics on the net of both and still am not positive.


arnold said...

This is Dieter Farell from Germany. He has been one of the greatest wild animal trainers in Europe and worked in the best circuses.
He started his career in 1960 which laste until 1990
Today he has a wild animal parc in Germany. His daughter Monica and son Rene manage their Tiger Park these days.
Dieter still shows his skills there.

Jim Alexander said...

I defer to Arnold. I'd seen a video of Gerd in a similar costume and finished catching a black leopard, however just saw a brief video of Farrell in an arena that looks like the blog photo.

Unknown said...

My apologies to Dieter Farell. Gerd talked briefly to Rick Pfening and I in 1968 on Blackpool and I was pretty sure it was not him. Pics of Kern I had seen and I thought it looked somewhat like him. He also wore white on Mills back in the day.
