Sunday, May 15, 2016

#6 Gil Gray

Ellis "Skinny" Goe, Band Leader, Mayme Ward and unknown party.


Chic Silber said...

I believe Mayme & Eddie Ward

were Bloomington flyers that

came with Art Concello & his

gang including Tuffy Genders

Unknown said...

The Blossomington Flyers? I know Antoinette Concello was from and was buried in Bloomington but now I forget which state. I want to say Illinois but feel it was a state more east. I do not remember.

Chic Silber said...

Never heard of "Blosomington"

Bloomington is in Illinois

Yes indeed Antoinette came

with her husband Art Concello

Chic Silber said...

There are Bloomingtons

in other states also

Roger Smith said...

CHERIE VALENTINE posted beautiful memorials for Antoinette and her mother on Find-a-Grave. They rest in Bloomington, Illinois. Antoinette Comeau, her sisters Gertrude, aka "Mickey", Rose, and two brothers were all born in Sutton, Quebec. The youngest brother was born after the family moved to Vermont. Antoinette died in Sarasota, on February 5, 1984, and many thought she was buried there--but she had chosen to return to where she learned flying, in Bloomington.

Roger Smith said...

About the man at R--I stand to be corrected, but this may be Spader Johnson, the veteran clown.

Dick Flint said...

In 1953 Billboard reported that the "widow of Spader Johnson ... will be 82 in September." If we assume Spader was close to her in age (and I have him active as early as 1887, 66 years earlier!), I don't think he'd have looked the age of the gent on the right so I don't think this is him. While this photo is undated, it is probably from the 1950s.

Roger Smith said...

DICK is right. Spader was of another era. I finally realized I was thinking of Slivers Johnson--which still may not be him in this photo.

Unknown said...

The unidentified man is Slivers Johnson.