Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Cindy Potter


Roger Smith said...

She found her heartbeat with sawdust in her veins.

Chic Silber said...

How long were you at the

CW park Cindy with Buckles

How long on the Beatty Show

Cindy Potter said...

...true, Rog! I DID find my heartbeat, with sawdust in my veins!

HOWEVER.. this is not me... I'm wracking my brain to remember her name, tho! (If I do, I'll let you know!)

Chic, I was at CW for about 5 months late summer/fall of 1974. I still remember every bit of it! My family was at CW on an outing and I had just returned home from touring with the Southeast National Touring Company of HAIR. I was unemployed and asked "the guy" (Buckles) in the elephant barn if they were hiring. He said they didn't hire girls in that department. I replied that I could swing a shovel as good as any of "those" guys! I guess that got his attention, because he said "we get started around here at 7:00 A.M." I said GREAT! The next morning I was there at 6:45...! As "word" got around "the lot," Chappy Fox came down to the barn and said I would probably be "happier" working in the concession stand. I would have NOTHING to do with it! I told him I could sell burgers at McDonalds.

Little did I know at the time WHOM I was working with, or the opportunities that "could have been!" (But I made up for it on the Beatty Show, years later!) I just recall a lot of "heads" shaking that day! (Gary Jacobson told me at one of the CW reunions that they all kept a close eye on Buckles for a while 'cos they thought he'd really LOST it, by hiring a GIRL!!) I knew I was under a microscope so I just worked harder!

My responsibilities included taking care of "Turk," Bennie's horse and "Nirvana," Barbara's leopard. After those chores in the morning I pulled "shovel" duty for 19 elephants, and lead Manja for the 10:00 AM elephant ride and Scott Riddle made sure that I ALWAYS had something to do!

Buckles once told me that I was the "first" female elephant handler in Ringling's history. I'm VERY PROUD of that! I visited CW a year or so after, and Barbara took me to meet the girl who was taking care of an expanded menagerie. Barbara told her that I was the one who made it possible for her to have her job! I visited the Ringling CEC last year, after the CW Reunion and noticed that 6 of the 10 interns were girls!

I joined the Beatty Show in 1978 as Marketing Director. Tim Stinson tried to run me off and I finished the season with Nordmark's International All-Star Circus and then his Ice Show. BUT... I went back to the Beatty Show under the auspices of John Pugh. The next season Tim was GONE and I ended up staying 12 seasons!

1978 - Marketing
1979 - Bill Posting
1980 - Bill Posting (married Ned Potter-Hoover's head cage man, in Oct. 1980)
1981 - Cat Act
1982 - Cat Act & Ladders
1983 - 1987 Ticket Office Secretary/Ticket Agent
...then, had to get off the road due to hubby's health (Diabetes)but I went back in
1996 - Marketing Director
1997 - Marketing Director

I worked with Roger Smith on the cat department in 1981


