Sunday, April 10, 2016

#9 More Europe


Chic Silber said...

Wonder if those hawsers have

steel cables through them

to limit their stretch

Chic Silber said...

This can't be easy on the feet

Roger Smith said...

If John Schweitzer had been there, cable inserts would have been a given. He did so for Herbie Weber's slide-for-life incline rope, when Herbie was Chief Thundercloud. They un-wove the hawser Herbie climbed and spliced in a line of 1/2" cable, indeed to retard the looseness and stretch of the rope alone. I'd love to study this rigging, and how it was anchored.

Chic Silber said...

Schweitzer spent his last

years in retirement here

in Sarasota often chatting

with other folks & urchins

in the outdoor plaza known

as the brickyard along Lemon

Avenue just North of Main

This was the original site

of the Seaboard rail station

He would come by my office

from time to time to say hi

Quite a special character

He could splice anything

Inebriation was no problem

Chic Silber said...

These lines were likely

anchored to heavy trucks

outside of the sidewalls

Like many high wire rigs