Monday, April 04, 2016

#4 The Big Show!

George Denman.


Buckles said...

My father was on the show in those days, worked on Lead Stock.
He had little regard for Denman saying they would march 36 elephants to the lot and while waiting for the Menagerie to go up he would say in a High Pitched voice, "Give Em' three bales of hay!" and that was it for the morning.
Maybe that't why he was there so long.

Buckles said...

He said William Hall was the same way.
While playing Dates he would double up on the feed knowing it would be slim Pickens in Lancaster.
On his return Hall would say, "Oh God Billy!.....what have you done to me this time?"
"Look at the bellies on em!"
"Don't bring in the Feed Bills until after I've had my Afternoon Nap!"

Buckles said...

My Mother always handled the Finances as my wife does today.
She would say, "Have you looked at these Feed bills? What are we running a Fat Stock Show?
The answer was always the same....."They don't get any salary so they're going to get all they want to eat!"