Saturday, April 02, 2016

#17 Clowns


Harry Kingston said...

Kenny Dodd,
One of the best in the circus business and a great friend of mine.
Still going strong and helping out the Ringling museum of the circus.
Also saving old circus films for the generations down the road so they can see how it was.
Harry in Texas

JACKIE said...

Kenny Dodd "Twetie" Jackie LeClaire

Chic Silber said...

Currently he's fighting off

the fire ants just outside

his front door

Roger Smith said...

Tell him to take a dollar-store spray bottle and coat the area with diesel fuel. Ned Potter always did that with fire ant beds on the Beatty show lots. He'd help himself to a pint or so from some truck and pour it straight into the mound.

Chic Silber said...

His birthday is coming up

next Thursday the 13th if

anybody wants to send a card

Chic Silber said...

That would be WEDNESDAY the 13th