Sunday, April 10, 2016

#16 More Europe


Bob Karczewski said...

Seeing that Elephant on that pedestal high above everything on the lot would really catch the eye of the passers by and would help sell tickets to the people that came to the lot to get a closer look.

Chic Silber said...

That could be a nasty tumble

if he ever lost his balance

The landing would be worse

than the fall I'm afraid

Roger Smith said...

Whatever this achieved, putting the animal in such jeopardy is irresponsible. Just because you can get an animal to do something doesn't mean you should.

Chic Silber said...

My sentiments exactly Roger

Wade G. Burck said...

I believe this is the castrated male Big Boy(formerly "Louie" from the Polack Show) from the Fuentez Circus in Mexico. Anyone remember when sending/selling to Mexico was a convenient way to get animal's off of your feed bill? If thought's expressed by Roger had been expressed 30 year's ago instead of applauding the effort the industry may not have faced the ban's and law's it face's today. What use is a castrated male elephant, to a breeding program, when we criticize "sanctuaries" as bad because they don't breed the animals? Us who have called attention to this and similar situations over the year's have been verbally beaten to death. Ringling's elephant removal was only the end result of quietly being "with it and for it."

Wade Burck

Patricia said...

Amen, Roger.

Patricia said...

Wait a second. Are we sure this isn't photoshopped?
The distance between that top step and the platform seems extreme. I don't think the elephant would climb up there. The spindle would have to be welded to the platform, leaving even less room for the elephant to maneuver climbing up on the platform.
Nah, I don't think it's real. What say you, bloggers?

Patricia said...

(don't know if my last comment went through) I don't think it's real. Besides, who would ask an elephant to do a one foot stand on a spindle? COULD an elephant do this on a spindle? I thought they had to be on a flat surface like a tub. How else could the elephant find it's center of gravity? Isn't this Colonel Joe? Buckles, please help. This is a joke, right? Have we all been punk'd?

Paul Gutheil said...

Sorry, but I question the integrity of this "photo".

Wade G. Burck said...

A spindle is a flat surface.

Wade Burck

Bjorn said...

Thats Josef Gartners bull Bimbo. I found this clip on YouTube in wich you can see Bimbo and anohter bull and some cows being worked by Josef Gartner and his family.

Wade G. Burck said...

Greetings Bjorn,

How are you? I trust well, and You may be right. The tent and the tarp covered hay pile looked Mexican which is what I saw. I wasn't commenting on whether the photo was fake, Patricia. I was commenting on having a male elephant do a one foot stand. The stress of doing it on something revolving is even more unwise. A number of animals ended up lame on the support leg as they matured.

Wade Burck