Tuesday, April 12, 2016

#12 Arena Acts


Jim Alexander said...

I wonder if Buckles puts photos of Jules on the Blog to test if the internet still gets to China.

Chic Silber said...

I think that fellow in China

is addicted to Moo Goo Guy Pan

Just like Ray MacMahon became

addicted to Pad Thai

Wade G. Burck said...

I am addicted to nothing, and China for the most part is horrible. If I had to name one good thing about it, it would be......... Nothing. I stay close to the safari and the animals, who make sense, and that give's me great comfort.

Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

Are you on some kind of watch list

Why can't you just come on home

we have animals over here too

Wade G. Burck said...

International flying is so incredibly horrible and uncomfortable that when I finally landed I vowed never to do that again. So here I am...... :) I remember, in 1984 when the animal right's movement was just starting to rock and roll, Irvin Feld told me in reference to GGW and promoting animal trainer's, "it is going to be hard to make a devil into a hero."

I have not worked in the United States for going on 8 year's, for two big reason's. Number one, I like the pride I feel in being an animal trainer. I chose to learn how to do it when I was very young, chose to do it for my lifetime, and do it very well. Never again will judgement be passed on me, or my chosen profession, based on what somebody else did or didn't do. My skin is not as thick as an attorneys.

Number two, and yes, I am a material capitalist, the money is beyond anything available in the United States for what I do. I hate rice and noodles, but I can sure buy a lot of them, if the need arises. :)

I am an American, and I love her with all my heart but she has tilted way to far to the left for my comfort. Best I can hope for is Donald Trump. If for nothing else, at least for 4 year's it will be gratifying to see the self-serving special interest group's and their equally self-serving lobbyist be told to go f*ck yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!

Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

I understand most of that but

with all that Renminbi you

could easily fly up front in

a 3 cabin triple seven which

is a very pleasant experience

(You might try the Mei Fun)

Wade G. Burck said...

Plan is when I have accumulated enough RMB's is to bring a few of the Yoder family over and set them up in a little "breakfast joint," with egg's over easy, home fries, fresh bread, bacon and pancakes with gob's of salted butter and syrup. Plan's call for a Wisconsin cheese deli on one side with dozens and dozens of cold cut and cheese selection's, specializing in Colby Longhorn, along side a little bakery for fresh bread and pies. Steaks? Forget about it. I don't even think about them anymore. I miss breakfast(closest I can get is an occasional hard boiled duck egg) and some day's i want to cry thinking about a fine smoked ham and cheese sandwich. A real sandwich, not last month's replica plastic wrapped at a dirty convenience store.......

Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

I'll think of you at breakfast

Reminds me of hunting for some

kind of comfort food during a

few extended stays in Seoul

Yoders & Millers certainly

know how to how to do it but

currently I'm staying in the

Hilton Newark airport with a

really terrific breakfast &

very easy access to midtown

NY without the crazy prices