Sunday, April 10, 2016

#11 More Europe


Patricia said...

Whether a traditional 'cover' with the cats lying down, or this odd rendition, being flat on your back in the arena always seemed like a spectacularly bad idea to me.

Bob Karczewski said...

You would not have much of a chance to scramble out of the way if things went bad in a hurry.

Roger Smith said...

Roman Proske's lay-down cover with 5 or more tigers was the real thing. It's superb animal training, but you'll see me do it when you see me do the head-in-the-mouth.

Patricia said...

It's funny the different things which give each trainer the heebie-jeebies.

Tony Greiner said...

Is the cat on the left a tige-lion?

Patricia said...

I'd say the one on the left and the one on the right are both tiglons or ligers.

Jim Alexander said...

This might also be Erhard and Christiane Samel. They did a cover like this and Christiane would laydown with a good-sized python or boa to add to the drama. The snakes are how I got to know them. RBBB played a few blocks from the STL Zoo and Christiane came to the Reptile House to buy some snake food - one of the keepers knowing my interest in things circus brought her by my arena.