Friday, April 01, 2016

#10 Aerial Acts


Chic Silber said...

Bobby & Dorothy Yerkes

Rosie & Fay Alexander

JACKIE said...

I could remember Rose and Fay but not the two on the left, which I should remember. Jackie LeClaire

Roger Smith said...

Owing to Fay's shoulder bandage, I'd date this photo as 1957. The other 3 left shoulders are obscured in this shot, but RBB went Mexico that year, and everyone had to be vaccinated. They had to tape ventilated caps over the festering vaccination sites for several weeks before crossing.

Chic Silber said...

I believe Bobby still maintains

a training facility in Northridge

Roger Smith said...

Yes, he does. And in his mid-80s, he is still employed as a stuntman. He told me it's a running joke on film set, "Let's get Yerkes to do it. At his age, he's expendable." He doesn't train people nowadays so much, as leaves his gate open to anyone who wants to set up their rigging and practice.

Chic Silber said...

How far is Northridge from Lancaster

Roger Smith said...

Bob Yerkes's place is at Roscoe Blvd. and White Oak Avenue, some 55 miles south of Lancaster.