Sunday, February 28, 2016

#1 Load out!

Anyone remember what this occasion was?


Larry Louree said...

Move from WQ to CW in Barnum City

Buckles said...

Yes, that's Lloyd Morgan happy to see us go, cluttering up his Winter Quarters!

Buckles said...

That Winter, with both shows in, we had close to 60 elephants in the Venice Quarters.
The show in rehearsal got the elephant barn, the other show set up their tent and we ran a picket line out back under the trees, then in bad weather, sit up all night and herd them in the ring barn.
During the day our elephants could be seen from the Highway and the Police were constantly complaining about traffic slowing down to rubber neck.
My wife would say "I don't want to hear it! We were Happy in Mexico but No! You had to..............