When I was Ambassador of Mirth for Ringling in the middle 60's, I was pretty much under Cotton Fenner's rules. He was a real gentleman to work for and very knowledgeable. He ruled for the Feld's when ever they were producing Ringling. Very good memories. Jackie LeClaire
Is this Cotton Fenner
Yes. His book was an ego-tripping rip-off of excerpts from other circus books, composed as if he had accomplished something in publishing.
When I was Ambassador of Mirth for Ringling in the middle 60's, I was pretty much under Cotton Fenner's rules. He was a real gentleman to work for and very knowledgeable. He ruled for the Feld's when ever they were producing Ringling. Very good memories. Jackie LeClaire
After Cotton died (fairly young)
his widow Mildred was in charge
of education for the Felds that
is now headed by Peggy Williams
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