Thursday, December 24, 2015

1959 More Cristiani #1 (From Buckles)

We had just closed the season with Rudy Bros. in California with our family elephant act "Anna May", "Fanny" and "Lydia" and camped overnight on the Cristiani lot in Arizona on our way home to Hugo.
My first opportunity to use my new handy-dandy, miromatic-automatic camera the results of which caused much derision from my father whose 1937 Kodak provided better results.


Harry Kingston said...

Those 1937 Kodaks were black and white and a large negative usually 3 1/2 by 5 inch negatives back then and if it was a more expensive camera it had a good lens for back then and took great photos if you understood how to sue it.
Your smaller camera used color film with a coke bottle lens but you still got good photos for a point and shoot.
Film now is just about gone with the wind but how long will digital photos last like the old ones.
Black and white will never fade.
Harry in Texas

Chic Silber said...

Would that have been #120 roll film Harry

on metal spools with a paper wrapper that

became the leader to fit the takeup slot

Chic Silber said...

I still have a couple Kodak box

cameras with fixed focus lenses

& with spring loaded shutters

Good ol Dektol did a fine job