Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Carson & Barnes #11


Patricia said...

Boy oh boy, no doubt Hazel Frazier had the cookhouse that year!! Good eatin'...
Gee Gee was my favorite show person of all time. I think she had more influence on me than anyone besides D.R. Miller. I was so excited this day she visited C&B. My computer glitched the other day when I tried to comment on the photo of a relaxed Gee Gee w/ Gee Gee (elephant) stretched out on the beach, 1979 in Canada. It's my favorite photo of her, more so than any show pic. She was as special as they came.

Roger Smith said...

Gee Gee had her Alaskans on Howard Suesz, when I first met her in Waco, Texas, in '65. I introduced myself as having come from the Beatty show, and within minutes we were jackpotting like old friends. She introduced me to her husband, Billy Powell, and we all stood there lamenting the recent death of Clyde Beatty. She told me how she and Billy honeymooned on his show, and how he treated them like family. She was thrilled the next day when I brought out a lash I'd cut, having learned from Mr. Beatty, and set it into her whipstock for her. When we met up through the years, it was like we simply resumed our last conversation. That first time, I realized how impressive Gee Gee was in the ring. Her Alaskans were never to be equaled, and Gee Gee's flash sold the act with style that was hers alone. Having known her remains a blessing that is forever Center Ring.

Bill Powell said...

She was an original ....and my mom. Love her and miss her every day. bill powell