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Looks like Chic's Shop, 40 years ago.
This 40" internally motorized dainty number was built for Hubert Castle along with the fitted packing crate for it The half round on the stool was for some animal act prop I've built them from 2 to 60 inches in diameter & almost created a 7 foot 6 incher but when we discovered what the mirror weight would have been aside from the sturdy frame we scrapped the plan
You'll be glad to know Jim it doesn't look any different to this very day (43rd year)
During my school years I never thought I would ever need math equations in my future workings It was when I started with these spherical devices that I had to go research the formula for the surface area of a sphere (ball)
We didn't have computer search capabilities in those dark ages (simple answer is 4 Pi R Square)
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Looks like Chic's Shop, 40 years ago.
This 40" internally motorized
dainty number was built for
Hubert Castle along with the
fitted packing crate for it
The half round on the stool
was for some animal act prop
I've built them from 2 to 60
inches in diameter & almost
created a 7 foot 6 incher
but when we discovered what
the mirror weight would have
been aside from the sturdy
frame we scrapped the plan
You'll be glad to know Jim
it doesn't look any different
to this very day (43rd year)
During my school years I never
thought I would ever need math
equations in my future workings
It was when I started with these
spherical devices that I had to
go research the formula for the
surface area of a sphere (ball)
We didn't have computer search
capabilities in those dark ages
(simple answer is 4 Pi R Square)
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