Wednesday, September 16, 2015

1979 Circus Genoa #5


Chic Silber said...

Is there some significance

to this generic show title

Tony Greiner said...

The show was named for the hometown of the main booking agent, whose name I can't remember. I think it was a bad title. People didn't know how to pronounce it. GEN-oh-ah or gem-oh-ah. The agent was the main booker for Dorey Miller at the same time. Johnny Frazier told me the fellow really let him down, telling him over the winter that he had several agents out on the road, when it was really only me. I played in the band the year before, and casually booked a few dates in Virginia over the winter for some pocket money and something to do. Those were about the only dates all season that made any money.

When things were getting tight I went out ahead of the show again and booked some dates in Minnesota and Iowa, but those were all booked with about 2 weeks notice, and rare was the sponsor who could get a decent sale before the show date.