Friday, August 28, 2015

1994 #9


Chic Silber said...

Previously known as Paul Gutheil

Recently changed to Paul G (why)

Paul G said...

Google gave me some BS, couldn't get on Blog. Being tech challenged while my computer guy was taking care of other issues he fixed this for me and for some crazy reason I lost 6 letters. Gee.

klsdad said...

Does it really matter Chic S.???

Ole Whitey said...

Gee, Paul, why?

Chic Silber said...

Pretty sneaky Paul but you

didn't fool most of us

I'm headed up to NY late

next week & I'll call you

(just a warning)

Paul G said...

I need to confer with Bill Saluga, aka Raymond J. Johnson Jr. "You can call me . . . , but . . . "

Chic Silber said...

That routine was easy to remember

but would never have gotten the name

Or "call me anything but late for dinner"