Saturday, July 18, 2015

More Polack #1

"Buckles, The pictures on the Blog yesterday were fantastic. The group of elephants in the various positions. I do not think that most people do not even know how hard it is to have the various mounts about the ring with out the elephants all on tubs not too mention the two little ones out front with Anna May and Opal doing the handshake with the 3 mounted in back also having Barbara on the trunk during said handshake. You could put more Pollack Show pictures on the Blog."


Bob Swaney said...

One indelible memory of Polack Bros. Tigris Shrine circus was the guy selling color changing live chameleons. As I recall, they were arrayed on a big felt covered board. Never could convince my parents to buy one. Pet turtles were also the rage, but I don't recall if they were pitched on the circus. Seems they came with a box of "turtle food" (dried house flies).

Buckles said...

In the business, referred to as "Bug Men".

Chic Silber said...

Clean shaven here in the late 60s

When did you add the facial hair