Monday, July 20, 2015

1948 Dailey Bros. #3

George Piercy with Andre and "Baby Butch".
My father was working Dolly Jacobs elephants with Garden Bros.Circus in Canada this year and I remember us crossing over into Upstate New York and visiting the Dailey Show and every elephant was wearing a bell, quite a racket when they did the act.


Chic Silber said...

I guess you were about 13 in 48

so that must have been during

the summer vacation from school

Buckles said...

Yes, and my Mother and I saw the Ringling Show that season and 57 years later I have yet to see it's equal.

Buckles said...

I might add that while visiting the Dailey Show I recognized old "Jap" from when my father worked for Terrell Jacobs and I said to the guy working her, "Boy! Jap sure looks old!" and he shot back, "Punk if you was as old as she is you'd look pretty sorry too!" and Sweet Pea yelled, "Smokey! Shut up, that's Bill Woodcock's son!.