Monday, June 01, 2015

Venice #1 (From Buckles)


Dick Flint said...

Mel Miller in the center and Danny Chapman on the right the two men that ran the first Clown College. Mel Miller to come over to the new Feld operation from being curator at the Ringling Museum of the Circus. That first class was largely run from Danny's house.

Richard Reynolds said...

That looks like Mel Miller in the middle. He had been head of the Ringling Circus Museum and then joined RBBB as head of Clown College for a time.

Chic Silber said...

The pieman is Levoie Hipps

Ole Whitey said...

I first met Mel at the Ringlng Museum in about 1959 or 1960 when he was in charge.

I think it was at the 1967 CHS convention that Mel nominated me for secretary the first time. I was in office two years; nearly thirty years later Fred Pfening called me and asked me to take the job again; that time I stayed in something like six years.

In about 1968 Mel was put in charge of something at Astroworld, then being built on the grounds of the Astrodome. I was working in Huntsville at the time running the Prison Rodeo and he called me to come down and see the still unfinished park. I also met the girl he soon married- wasn't her name Prudence? Within a year or so Mel was dead.