Tuesday, June 23, 2015

New Jersey State Fair #10

Boom Miser.


Chic Silber said...

Not very graceful flying form

Buckles said...

He's putting on the brakes!

Chic Silber said...

Then he should have his head down

but his back & legs straight

(& pointed toes)

Chic Silber said...

I recall that line as the end of

an airplane joke where the Captain

announces "We're losing altitude &

so at this time you should put your

head down between your knees & ..."

Paul Gutheil said...

This is Espanas Russian swing.

Buckles, wasn't that something to do with crash instructions , something like,
"Lean forward, put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye."?!

Buckles said...

I think the lead in is...."but Sarge, what do I do if the second parachute doesn't open?"

Buckles said...

.....similar to giving the new recruit directions to the best Brothel in Tokyo....."you can miss the place! There's a Chimpanzee out front holding a tin cup, you hand him $5 then go inside and wait.
Sooner or later he will say "But what if no one shows up?
Then everyone joins in.....Then you have to ____the monkey!

Chic Silber said...

Hoo boy now we're getting

into some darker territory

We should save this kinda

stuff for later at night

after the kiddies go to bed