Monday, June 22, 2015

More Wagons #5

My father once told me that the Gentry Bros. Dog & Pony Show had a story line.
From time to time a scamp dog would barge in and interrupt some of the acts in progress to a point the kids would immediately recognize him and yell out.
Late in the show he would be arrested and a trial held, presided over by a baboon with robe and gavel.
After the guilty verdict, he would be escorted out and after a brief pause a hearse would enter pulled by black ponies and slowly circle the hippodrome track while the band played a dirge.
Then just as it exited, the door would fly open, the dog would scramble out, make a lap around the center ring then out the back door to the delight of the kids.


Paul Gutheil said...

I'm delighted just reading about it.