Monday, June 22, 2015

More Wagons #1

Got more comments than usual yesterday so I'll run a few more parade pix.


Chic Silber said...

This is clearly the same as the

#16 from Dick Flint yesterday

Chic Silber said...

Those brollies suggest a drizzle

Bardon said...

Great wagon shots each and every one. Thanks for taking the time to post all these. Every time I look again I see many fascinating details on wagons and in the back round.

Richard Reynolds said...

Note that the telescoping elephant is not fully raised. And there is a guy standing there with a pole by which to raise electric and telephone wires that were hanging too low for the tall wagon to pass underneath.

The problem of the hanging wires caused the demise of these majestic telescoping tableaus, at least as fully telescoped.

Paul Gutheil said...

RJRIII God bless you real good, respected sir.

Unknown said...

Many old time parade shots will show umbrellas. They were probably used for shade. Umbra means shade or something to that effect.

Bob Good

Unknown said...

How beautiful to see all of the wagons. I loved seeing a lot of them in the circus parade in Madison. It is fun to hear some of the stories that go with them.

Chic Silber said...

I thought that guy with the pole

was another statue Richard but

the pole was out of proportion

Thanks for the help

GaryHill said...

Thanks again for such great old photos Captn..may not post a lot but do wish Shannon could figure out a "Like" button..I would wear it out!!