Thursday, June 25, 2015

Jupiter's Darling #6

Burt Pettus was in charge of the elephants during the filming.


Ole Whitey said...

This picture was made in September 1943 here in Nashville when Burt and Mr Beatty and an elephant made an appearance at a War Bond drive. They were playing here with Beatty-Wallace, which was the first time I ever saw Mr Beatty perform.

JC Hall said...

Spent several seasons touring with Bert& Marie on the Hubert Castle Circus. Marie took care of all the permits for all of Castle's trucks; five semis and a straight job. That run was a hard driving season, 30,000 + miles for a 29 to 30 week season guaranteed by Castle. You would come home with a full shoe box. Castle, I found was a fair guy to work for. His agent for the acts was Gene Lambert. I still have several seasons of full sets of route cards sold by Jimmy Armstrong 45 + years ago.
Always glad the Corky Plunkett tribe was ram rodding the setting of the show.

Roger Smith said...

Bert and Marie were two of the best people you could know. As one observer put it, "They only have about 10,000 friends." Marie did secure all permits and licenses for Hubert's trucks, for this country and Canada, a painstaking job that took her most of our 10 weeks in Seagoville Winterquarters--and a job for which Bert told me she never got paid. Everything was done by snail mail then, and Marie was never reimbursed even for the stamps.