Sunday, May 31, 2015

From Chic Silber #1


Richard Reynolds said...

This is San Diego's Safari Park and one of its Indian rhinos. It has had more success with that species than any place outside of wild India. to date an astonishing 68 calves have been born there. To put that into perspective, that is more Indian rhinos than were to be seen altogether in USA from 1830 (the first one) up to 1979 or 150 years.

Indian rhinos and white rhinos have proven to be easier to keep than black rhinos and certainly more so than the delicate Sumatran rhino. One of the reasons is that black rhinos and Sumatrans are browsers. They do not care for hay and grass. Also both are susceptible to iron deficiency. That's what killed Cincinnati's breeding female Sumatran and her female calf.

Don said...

This is the San Diego Zoo Safari Park that offers visitors a chance to enter the large enclosures on escorted tours in Park vehicles.

Don Covington