Sunday, May 03, 2015

1942 Conklin Shows #1

Yesterday morning on the trip down to Bob's Circus Train for breakfast in Sarasota, Jim Eliot and I were cutting up jackpots when Freddy Logan's name came up.
I mentioned that his first job in show biz was with the Conklin Shows in Canada as a cage boy for Terrel Jacobs in 1942 when my father worked his elephants.



Last Bob's Train for awhile for me. Headed North in three days. It is Spring in Michigan and that means Carnival season has begun. I must try and line my pockets somewhat as it has been a long and expense Winter for me.
Many GOOD stories were told yesterday at Bob's Train and I look forward to my return in the fall, so as to join in on many more.
Paul Ingrassia has stories from The CWM in Baraboo, Walt and Dorita Estes stories from their various experiences over the years, Brian Liddiecoat Big Apple stories, Larry Allen Dean has his share of stories and of course, Buckles who is the King of story tellers. And once in awhile I interject a Carnival story or two.
Yesterday, our dear departed friend, Bobby Gibbs was featured in a few of these stories. Seems everyone of the above mentioned people had a GOOD Bobby Gibbs Story to share.
Everyone have a GREAT Summer.
Jim Elliott

Harry Kingston said...

Capt Fred C Logan, what an elephant man and when you saw him he knew your name and the jackpots started and he knew what circus or carnival played the town you were in.
He had the best penmanship of any person I knew.
He is missed by all us fans today.
Harry in Texas

Roger Smith said...

Even with one "L" missing from Terrell, this was an impressive front. I knew Freddie started out on cats with Jacobs, but was unsure of the year. Must have been a hell of a thrill for him to begin his career with The Lion King.


Freddie told me the story a few times. He left home and joined Conklin Shows. He worked in the Show cookhouse for two weeks, then joined Terrell Jacobs. When Terrell came back to the U.S. he entered, by train from Windsor, Ont. to Detroit. Freddie rode in a shifting crate. They finally arrived in Peru and he climbed from the crate and landed on US soil for the first time.
Freddie was my BEST Friend for some time. And as Harry said he had PERFECT Handwriting. I saved every letter he sent me and I am now turning them over to his daughter Frieda Pages. There are MANY INTERESTING things mentioned in those letters.