Sunday, April 19, 2015

High School Show

Grandson Patrick was drummer in the band at this High School Musical yesterday.
Remarkably he leaves this Fall on a Musical Scholarship from North Florida Univ. up in Jacksonville.
He has even been invited to attend some Musical Academy near here during the Summer months.
I'll have to ask him if he ever heard of Gene Krupa.


Chic Silber said...

I'll bet a sawbuck that Patrick

has heard of both Phil Collins

& Richard Starkey Jr (drummers)

I saw Krupa at the Roxy

Chic Silber said...

Great custom graphic window card

What about his original musical

Chic Silber said...

Shannon should have set Ryan up

with an outside garbage joint

(Local supply house Dollar Tree)

Paul Gutheil said...

Leave us not forget Buddy Rich.

Chic Silber said...

Weren't early press agents known

as drummers Dave & I recall it

was Charlie Cinnamon's nickname


They used that for the playbill, as well as the window cards. They had a huge cast. Loaded with talent. Some really great voices. That school is putting out some wonderful talent. I am so proud of our grandson, Patrick. Ryan is no slouch when it comes to his grades. Out of four kids, three are GIFTED. And they are going to test her. They say she is also, but they have to test her. Ben finished school with five scholarships. He didn't want to use them because he said he couldn't waste the time, because he wanted to get right on to doing the act. He was President of the Honor Roll......Barbara.....

Roger Smith said...

There are great dance band and jazz drummers, and in another world, we recall great show drummers. Boom-Boom Browning was among the giants of circus music who could help sell an act from the bandstand.

Down the Road by Jim said...

A good drummer can make a band that isn't great , be great, just as a poor drummer can make a band sound really lousey. Doesn't matter who the rest of the musicians are --- watch the drummer , and you'll know if the band is good or not !