Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ten Gallon Hats #5


Ole Whitey said...

Once Arnold asked me to drive him to a store to buy a new hat. He bought one but was disappointed they didn't have more expensive ones.

Ole Whitey said...

I just noticed that he is wearing his diamond horseshoe stickpin here.
When the King shows went into bankruptcy in 1956, that pin went into hiding and wasn't seen for several years.

Chic Silber said...

No one (& I mean no one) was ever

better at making fast change at

a ticket window than Arnold Maley

He was also a truly nice fellow

Chic Silber said...

At the end of many Beatty dates

when I provided additional stuff

& manpower he would make payment

in a bag stuffed with singles

He had a standard line "For any

missing I'll give you 2 but any

extras you can keep"

Charles Hanson said...

Sadly, he and Esma lost their home in Macon, Ga when King Bros went into bankruptcy. Sly old Floyd King had the counsel of Paul Conway to advise him on all matters. The King home was quickly placed into Vicki Kings name and the home was saved from the creditors. I am not sure that would fly into todays world but in 1956 it worked.

Ole Whitey said...

Yes, he was a very nice man. After I left the road he used to mail me a Beatty-Cole program ever year.

Anonymous said...

As I recall Mr. Maley's Hat was a Stetson Traveler, the smallest hat that Stetson makes. (Not a ten gallon). One night on the road we came around a curve and Maley had run off the side of the road and rolled his airstream. Talk about a mess.

Harry Kingston said...

Bubba Voss introduced me to Maley on Beatty Cole.
Hans Ruwill said Maley fussed at him for missing out on the walk away money on BC.
I bet Maley and King were a pair.
Harry in Texas