Monday, April 20, 2015

Big John Strong #7

This guy was the son of one of the local circus fans and was a performer/show hand with the John Strong Circus. (I believe his last name was Horton.) I seem to recall that he did a fire-eating act using the professional name of Flame-o. He later had a bear act. Don Covington can probably tell us more about him. 


Don said...

That's Mark Horton. His brother Rex still tours the family's bear act in Mexico. Parents Ralph and Doris Horton are members of the San Diego Circus Luncheon Club.

Don Covington

Bill Schreiber said...

Mark Horton also did a high wire act at one time. When we were trouping with Al Stencell's Martin&Downs Circus in 1982, a group of us went to see Frank Curry's Ronald McDonald Circus that was playing nearby. Mark was doing a high wire act dressed as Ronald McDonald. The show was set up over an asphalt parking lot or similar hard surface. As luck would have it, Mark lost his footing and fell, breaking his leg, so we were later told, in 3 places. Bradd Frank Tompkins who was on our show rushed down out of the seating and he got Mark on a couple of sections of ring curb for a makeshift stretcher, and then with the help of others carried him out the tent.