Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Russell Bros. #3

Pauline Webb who ran the office and was principal owner of the show.

Barbara tells me she remembers this chimp "Topsy" well from their days with Russell Bros. and how nice Mrs. Webb was to her and her sisters.
She said Topsy had a baby carriage, living quarters and a complete wardrobe.



That is not "Topsy". I never saw this Orangutan. But I used to watch "Topsy" for hours. She was adorable. And she had two rooms in her wagon, with bath room. I loved "Pauline Web". She would have all the kids in our family come to the office to get paid, just like the other acts. I don't know if she did this with all the kids on the show. She would give me a nickel or quarter. I don't remember. But it was a fortune to me back then......Barbara.....

Chic Silber said...

I thought maybe this chimp was in

an orang costume (very realistic)

Unknown said...

The dapper uniformed animal with Pauline Webb in this photograph was an orangutan named Mr. Jiggs.
He joined the Russell show after Topsy's death and after the show's winter quarters had moved from Rolla, Missouri to the Selig Zoo in Los Angeles in the early '40s.
I am working with Keith Webb on a book about the Russell Brothers Circus, and would VERY MUCH like to speak with Mr. Woodcock and his wife about any recollections they might like to share. PLEASE visit and get in touch! Thank you.

Richard Reynolds said...

Though there must have been some of them, I never heard of an orang performing in an American circus ring - - perhaps Berosini?

Chic Silber said...

I saw Bobby Berosini with orangs

& gorillas out in Glitter Gulch

but not sure if he ever worked in

any actual circus but Johnny Lam

had a terrific orang named Debra

in Franz Czeisler's Tihany Spec

traveling in South America that

did a short engagement in Miami

Jim Alexander said...

Simone Martinez had an orang with his chimp act on Clyde Bros. in the 1960s. I think it went to Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. Joe Naud (Lancelot Link) also had an orang.

In the early 1900s the St. Louis Zoo brought a trained orang-utan named Sam. Among other tricks Sam would ride a tricycle around the grounds. Probably the start of the famous animal shows.

Jim Alexander said...

Bobby Berosini worked with his father's act, and did a fine trapeze act, on Hamid- Morton in Kansas City I think 1967. It was the year about a month later that the chimps, orang, and gorilla were booked for the St. Louis Police Circus. When the Berosinis got to STL, Mrs. Berosini took custody of the gorilla. How, who did it and what I don't know. The Zoo had been contacted but stayed clear.

In the early 1970s Bobby had his own act and played the Fleckles date in Beleville, IL among others. He stopped by the Zoo one day and visited with me and chimp trainer Mike Kostial. He took us up to his bus and brought out his orang and a young male gorilla about 5 yrs old. Later in the season I heard he lost the gorilla to a heart problem. The next year he told me when he lost the gorilla he thought the act was done - but upon reflection realized most the news photos where of the orangs. He began featuring the orangs and doing more talking in the act. The last circus date Bobby played was Fleckles on the Bele-Clair Speedway (I think 1973). He was going to Busch Gardens for a long stay and from there went to Vegas.