Wednesday, March 25, 2015

From Chic Silber #2

The 2nd is Vicky Hanneford on Big Bertha


Chic Silber said...

I believe this was early 60s as

George & Vicky also did a perch

act in Roman outfits

Roger Smith said...

Of the great beauties we've been blessed with in just the American circus alone, Ernestine Clarke, Barbara Woodcock, Kitty Clark among them, we can also be grateful for Vicki Hanneford. What a scintillating woman she was in all respects. Their perch act, for me, had to top them all--especially after that stunning entrance in Roman attire, commanding a horse-drawn chariot. Strictly Center Ring.

Chic Silber said...

As I recall Roger that perchpole

was a 1 shoulder support by George

which was pretty remarkable to me

My very favorite perch act was by

Duo Dobritch as a forehead balance

Chic Silber said...

I believe the act title name was

"The Georgians"