Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thanks To All......

........for the Birthday congratulations!
To be so well thought of is humbling.....almost!     

So it's off to the Casino.....


Roger Smith said...

Congratulations on making it to 4 Score. Now go for 5. Happy Birthday!

Chic Silber said...

Only take what you're willing to

donate to their unworthy cause

Most of all have a good time pal

I recall the story of the fellow

who went out to Glitter Gulch in

a $125 thousand dollar Corniche

& came home in a $330 thousand

dollar Greyhound bus

GaryHill said...

Win Big!!

Rick Keller said...

Happy Birthday.I really enjoy your Blog.Great job Buckles,and have a great evening!!!!!

Richard Reynolds said...

Plentiful congratulations and welcome to the octogenarians club. I beat you there by exactly 5 months.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Buckles! Enjoy the casino, hope Ms. Barbara's luck holds out and you win big!