Monday, January 05, 2015


My wife and family brought me these programs from last night's closing performance here in Tampa. She said the show was first class from front to back and attended by a full house.
She added that a candy butcher  passed by with a bundle twirling a tweetie-bird on a stick that gathered Kay's attention only to discover the asking price was $22.00.....this Show Biz is All Right!


Bob Karczewski said...

If they are getting that much for the tweetie-bird on a stick, how much is a program selling for now? Evidently the Felds do not believe in setting the price so that they sell more of the items people can afford to buy. Jim Elliot could tell us how much they pay for a gross of those, it can't be very much.

Bryant said...

Most people are stunned to be handed a novelty and then told what the price is today! They simple pay up to avoid some smartass remark! Same deal at all MLB and NFL events ---- $8.00 for cup of beer and $6.00 for popcorn.