Monday, January 05, 2015

Prima Donna #1 (To Tony Grenier)

Recently when I ran the picture of the Kelly-Miller band, you posed the question, "Whats' a Prima Donna?"
It refers to the lady vocalist that accompanied the band concert while situated in the center ring during the show's come-in, she might also sing for the aerial ballet, etc.
This Prima Donna on the Sparks Show sang from atop an elephant while Spec progressed around her.


Tony Greiner said...

Wow, very interesting. I knew the name from Opera, but didn't know it carried over to circus. I played in a circus band where the tuba player took the mike to sing "A Pretty Girl Is like a Melody." Is there a circus term for a boy singer?

Here is a link to a program of Florence Tennyson when she was with a group called the Chicago Operatic Quartet in 1940. My brother is an opera buff, I'll ask him if he knows more about her.