Saturday, December 20, 2014

Unidentified #20

This looks to be mid 1950's


Anonymous said...


This might be a sensitive question to certain factions.

I've noticed in the very older (prior to 1940 +/-) pictures of the elephants, that they look a little thinner and their skin seems to "hang" on their frames. In newer ( 1950 to now) pictures the bulls seem to look fuller and "healthier". Is this because the elephant/vet community has learned more about their care and diet over the years and have learned to take better care of their investment?

Merry Christmas to you, Ms. Barbara and the rest of the Buckles Blog family.


Buckles said...

It depended on who handled the bank roll.
I remember my mother saying, "Look at these feed bills!.....what are we running, a Fat Stock Show?" father's answer was always the same, "They don't get any salary, least we can do is give them plenty to eat!"

Roger Smith said...

This is the answer we expect of an animal man. As Eloise Berchtold said to me, "All our animals get out of life is what we bring and give to them. Let's have it be the best."