Saturday, December 06, 2014

More Noted Tuskers! #5

"King Tusk".

"But enough of this fol de rol, I have to get my chores done since Elliott will be here at 8:30 for our Saturday trip to Bob's Train for breakfast and serious debate!" 




Chic Silber said...

King Tommy

Mike Naughton said...

A quote from Geo Hanneford, Jr that I will always remember.
1987 - Bill Kay Shrine date, Syracuse, New York

George just came up from Florida asked me if I saw the opening of the new Ringling show with Big Tommy as King Tusk. I said I had not; I live in New York.

Without hesitation he said, "Big Tommy has played every major Shrine date in the country at least twice and now with the Ringling publicity machine and the name King Tusk, the American audience will be convinced that they are seeing him for the first time."

I went back to the dressing room and wrote that down.

Ole Whitey said...

I saw Tommy at the Cristiani quarters the spring of 1960- just beautiful. The tusks were just starting to meet.

Tony had another tusker named Tusko at the time. Unlike Tommy he was pretty dangerous. Diano got him from the Bronx Zoo and later Bob Atterbury had him.