Sunday, October 26, 2014

Calliopes #14

"L. Ray Chaisser "Crazy Ray" the Calliope King.
Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus season 1932-33-34, Pickneyville, Illinois.


Harry Kingston said...

When the Bandwagon mag did an article on the Cole Bros story they had when the Cole train pulled into Rochester coming home Crazy Ray had fired it up on the flats and played "Back home again in Indiana" and what a real thrill it must have been to have been their and heard that.
Great days of the circus.
Harry in Texas

Ole Whitey said...

Built Sells-Floto winter 1919-20 by Aylesworth and Luckie, there as long as paraded (1925), reappeared on HW
in 1932 and in their great 1934 parade. # 41 per Conover/Pfening list Nov-Dec 1969 BW.