Sunday, October 26, 2014

Calliopes #1

Like automobiles, I could never tell parade vehicles apart so I'll add the information provided.
My father wrote on the back of this one, "Last Barnum & Bailey steam calliope, picture taken late B&B or early RBBB."


Chic Silber said...

All steam pipes & fittings are of

very heavy materials due to the

tremendous pressure they carry

There have been many disasters

Chic Silber said...

Steam pipe is schedule 80 which

is much heavier than schedule 40

which is standard water pipe

Tony Greiner said...

The poet Vachel Lindsay wrote a poem in honor of calliopes and the circus. He used the "Kally-ope" pronunciation.

You can read the "Kallyope Yell" at

Ole Whitey said...

Barnum & Bailey Horn # 23 per Conover/Pfening list Nov-Dec 1969 BW.