Thursday, September 18, 2014

Circus World Map #2


Chic Silber said...

That rollercoaster must have been

after my time as I never saw it

My last visits were when we had

the failed remains of the Monte

Carlo Show set in a real top

but it all looked very sad to me

Kinda like a wounded warrior

GaryHill said...

According to this map , it put the Elephant Ride dead center of the park...:)

Chic Silber said...

As well it should have been Gary

Anonymous said...

You are correct, Gary. When the roller coaster (the Hurricane) was added during 1978, they moved the elephant ride next to the Circus Day Theater. They had a lean-to behind the fence to keep the bulls in the shade, watered and hay to munch on. They had a nice pathway to walk on (might have been concrete) and a new loading platform and stairs. The bulls entered and exited the ride from the fence in the back. The didn't have to walk thru the park to get to the ride. I think when it was really busy, we had as many as three bulls walking the ride at a time.

GaryHill said...

Larry, I was in charge of the ride when the park reopened with the Circus Day Theater. And I had up to 6 elephants working on busy days. I had four regular elephants Buckles put in my charge. I was also Superintendent of the Managerie and Petting Zoo. That was in 76. Opened the park in the mornings with an elephant at the front gate too..:)