Sunday, July 27, 2014

From Billie Schuller

Jack Sterling, Sealtest Big Top Announcer

Note: Jack, Sr. and Edna, Actor's Equity actors and vaudeville specialties. 1927 in Minnesota.


Billie Lou Henderson said...

Evidently my comments about Sealtest Big Top have not been going through. Will try again. Sent this because Jack Sterling, the announcer, was the son of Edna Cable and Jack Sexton of "Cable and Sexton". Jack, Jr., parents and sister were with Lew Henderson in 1927.
Peggy and Opal were on Super Circus, and there was a nice layout in Look Magazine. Lew Henderson and daughter, Ruth Swank, appeared on both when Dad had the Chimp act.
Supposedly, Jack Sexton, Jr. changed his name to Sterling when he went on radio because you couldn't say "Sex" on the radio.

Ole Whitey said...

Hi Billie: Hope you're fine-
Dave Price