Sunday, June 08, 2014

To Mike Naughton

Yes the Baraboo pony drill and three elephants were sold to Irvin Feld and sent to the Red Unit in 1970.
The Herriott family was included in the deal where John became Bob Dover's Assistant and continued to present the ponies plus he and Mary Ruth worked the show's liberty acts but the elephants were added to Gunther's herd.
This is a picture of us visiting the the show in Milwaukee from James Bros. that year on July 5, the day after the parade in which the Ringling animals had participated, John can be seen in the background at right.
Between shows we were sitting in the Herriott's trailer and John said, "Look out the window!" and pointed to a crowd saying, "That's Irvin Feld.....Israel Feld.....and the young guy with all the hair is Irvin's son Kenneth!".....who was visiting from College.
During the performance I happened to be chatting with Dover and Johnny when I got to see Gunther's tiger and African elephant number for the first time and as "Kongo" began to slowly turn on the tub I said, "Johnny, this is pretty strong stuff!" and he replied,  "Yes.....and I've got to follow it with my little ponies!"


Chic Silber said...

Big hair & polyester were all the

rage back then as I recall & the

1st thing Tiki did "for me" was

to dump ALL my monochromatic sets

of leisure suits & matching shoes