Sunday, June 01, 2014

More Ed Sullivan #1

We made the Sullivan Show several times while on the Polack Show but one year had to cancel due to rerouting of the show.
The Sullivan people managed to square the beef by allowing the Chattanooga Shrine Potentate to accompany "Opal", Barbara and Ben to New York and tho having a prepared speech was only allowed to wave from the audience. 
I finished the date with the rest of the herd while they were away.


Chic Silber said...

I'd be more than happy to either

pay or trade something if some

circus model builder would make

a tiny "W" tub for me as I no

longer have the patience for it

I'd gladly offer a tiny tiger on

a mirrored ball (as I have 2)


The REAL story about us not showing up for the Ed Sullivan Show was Dobritch kept our money the year before. He flat took our pay for the show. So I went to Louie Stern and told him that I was not going to do the show because of it. And on top of him taking the money we had to pay the tax on it. So Louie S. told me that it was alright, that he wouldn't do it either under those conditions. So we went on to the next town, Chattanooga,Tenn. And in the mean time Dobritch is trying to get Ed S. to book a bear act in our spot. But Ed S. had announced that the elephant had gotten lost on the turnpike, coming to the show. So Ed Sullivan called Buckles and told him he had to have us the next week because he had already announced it. Buckles told Ed S. he couldn't get away because he had to do the Shrine Circus. But the head of the Shrine would release Opal and I, and he could fly Ben up from Fl.( Ben was in school. He was 14.) And Ed S. said he would pay us personally and pay all expenses. Put us up in a nice hotel close to the studio. And we could stay a few days for a small vacation. So Ben comes to Chattanooga, Tenn. to fly with me. And as Buckles said the big shot Shrine guy had a speech prepared to make. ( He got to wave from the audience. Ben and I had a blast in NY we went to the Statue of Liberty. And a few other places. But the best part was I always wanted to do the whirl on the Sullivan Show. But the stage was so small Buckles was afraid of it. ( I had gotten hurt one time doing the whirl.) Well Buckles is watching the show live and when he saw that we were getting ready to do the whirl, he all most had a heart attack. But we did it, just barely missing cameras, and the side wings of the stage. The trainer has to lead the elephant by his positioning. Boy did we catch it when we got back to Buckles. But he was proud of us. O yes "Opal's name was on the marquee that week. I think I have a picture some place......Barbara.....

Billie Lou Henderson said...

Chic, you are obsessed with that elephant tub. It's in Texas. Tell Buckles to get in touch with my sister and go get it.


Chic Silber said...

Obsessed might be a touch strong

but very close Billie Lou thanks

One of the "Wicked" tours was in

San Antonio in March but neither

of them are scheduled in Texas

for the next several months

You can be sure that I'll find

some way of getting it if it is

at all possible (my wife might

just kill me though)

I can't recall just when I saw

them 1st (maybe at Circus World)

but I was very impressed by the

size & style & how clever to have

the "Ws" built into the structure

Mike Naughton said...

Yes, that's the story.
Whew, I thought I was going soft in the head.
Paying the IRS on money never received, only in show business.
Thanks, Barbara, for clearing that up.